Feast - Modern Chinese Cuisine

Chinese cuisine has a long history with eight main cuisines and a multitude of variations. The differences between the north and the south are distinct. Cantonese cuisine in particular strives for excellence and perfection. 


The cuisine of this restaurant is also a combination of North and South. The restaurant not only carries authentic Peking duck, as well as Sichuan spicy chicken, but especially the local snacks from Wenzhou and Qingtian (Zhejiang), such as "Shanfen Ravioli" and "Qingtian Pancakes". The chef does not dare to claim to be the essence of great cuisine, but his creations should have absorbed the characteristics of some different flavors. In order to better classify us, we would describe ourselves as a classic cuisine with extraordinary taste. For this reason, the Feast restaurant is a cuisine in itself.   

We are looking forward to welcoming you. #eatdifferent



Mo–So: 12:00-23:00

Mittwoch geschlossen



Restaurant Feast

Meierottostraße 1

10719 Berlin

Tel. +49 30 88 917 803


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